Phone Free Zone

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 Quality Drop Off and Pick Up Times

Here at Happy House we put a premium on the relationships we build with the children and with the families and we want to implement a new initiative to support positive Early Childhood experiences for the children.

We are encouraging families to support us in a “Phone Free Zone” for Quality Drop Off and Pick Up Times here at Happy House.

One of the most stressful times of the day for any child can be saying goodbye to mum or dad or both in the morning and children being able to say good bye to you properly can make a big difference and talking on the phone can be disruptive to the process.

By the afternoon your little people may feel you have been gone “forever” and are so happy to see you that it can be very deflating to have your attention elsewhere when they are trying to greet you and tell you about their day.

We understand that this is not always possible but are asking families to make every effort to make these times a great opportunity for quality interactions.


PhysiKids is back!

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Physi Kids is back!

Physi kids will be at Happy House on Tuesdays from 11am starting the 16th of July.

This wonderful program finally has room for us again and we are jumping on board to offer the program to the children and families.

The cost is $10 per lesson with additional siblings $8.

Physi Kids is geared towards 2 ½ years and up.

Check your email for more information from Happy House about this program. The website link is below.

Reading to Children

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Grab a book and read together!

In an age where technology has taken over nearly everything. Music, our social lives, as well as communication and work there is one thing that is hundreds of years old that the traditional way is still the best and research supports this.

Reading to and with your child.

Believe it or not devices or TV’s cannot take over the role of a child having a loving adult read to them.

Parts of the brain kick into gear when a child is read to by a real live human being that does not when they hear a story from a DVD or a recording.

Children ask questions, want to hear parts again and become curious about illustrations, the actions of the characters or the parents world famous most favourite question….. “Why?”

We learn from being curious and asking questions. DVD’s and recordings can’t answer us.

Here is a link with an article about 10 Benefits of reading to your child.


Play based Learning

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Play based learning

Continuing with last month’s theme of physical play we are emphasising the importance of play and how play based learning scaffolds our curriculum. Play based learning is important for children to develop positive social/emotional skills, where they explore peer relationships and learn to communicate and negotiate through various scenarios and situations.

They also test themselves, take measured risks and discover new ideas, and abilities about themselves. So, really, play is all about exploring one’s environment, social structures and a path of learning and self-discovery.

Here is an article we found that helps define play as well as looks at what your child may be learning while they “play”.

Child Development

Reaching Milestones

Here is a great link for all families who are curious as to how their child is doing developmentally. Every child develops at their own pace and usually the sequence of skills is the same for everyone. But if you have any worries about the milestones children should be meeting before they become a concern, here is the link to the Red Flags Early Identification Guide. It shows what milestones children should meet by a certain age and tips on how to encourage skills and development through play.

In Safe Hands


Continuing Education

Recently, all the Happy House staff participated in our annual In Safe Hands-Child Protection training. This course assists early year’s educators, organisations and individuals to comply with their legislative requirements under the National Quality Framework and meet duty of care obligations regarding Child Protection.

It is designed to be used for induction of new staff, and as a foundation or refresher course for those who have not completed recent Child Protection training. The key learning outcomes include:

  • Understanding and defining child protection;

  • Defining and understanding abuse indicators;

  • Laws in your State / Territory, including civil duty of care;

  • How to respond to disclosures; and

  • Documenting and reporting.

In Safe Hands also offers an online course for parents and families. This course is designed to assist parents, families and carers with strategies to help keep our children safe.

Please, if you are interested in participating or would like some more information, Miss Annette or Miss Jodie are able to provide you with an information/application form.

Cold & Flu Season

Cold & Flu Season is upon us!

Please keep in mind that we are entering the season of colds and germs.

As with the success we have had in the past, when that nasty tummy bug hit our region, we were very successful in missing it altogether by following some simple hygiene practices.

We have sanitizing hand gel at the front counter as you arrive and depart.

The recommendations we made last time were to utilize the hand gel, make sure to reinforce hand washing, turning our mouths into our shoulders to cough or sneeze and to have antibacterial wipes for shopping trolleys before little ones sit in them collecting the saliva of the previous user.

The 2018 Flu needle is also available from GP’s for those who chose.

We want all of our little Happy House people to stay healthy and happy this flu season.